

The ERAPPA By-laws indicate the roles expected of the various members who serve on the Board. This section defines the expectations of those roles.


  • Perform all duties as described in the ERAPPA bylaws.
  • Complete all duties according to the Calendar of Events for Presidential duties.
  • Officially invite APPA Officers to attend the ERAPPA Annual Meeting.
  • Assign ERAPPA Board members as liaisons to each APPA Committee.

President Elect

  • Perform all duties as described in the ERAPPA bylaws.
  • Contribute all appropriate articles to the ERAPPA Newsletter.
  • Perform duties as assigned by the sitting president.
  • Arrange a gift of appreciation to the outgoing ERAPPA president.
  • Attend and actively participate at ERAPPA Board meetings.

Vice President for Chapter Affairs
The Vice President for Chapter Affairs is elected for a two year term in odd numbered years. He/She may serve two consecutive terms in this office.

Unlike the other Vice Presidents, there is no standing committee on Chapter Affairs. Instead the Vice President works closely with the network of Chapter Presidents to further the business of ERAPPA. This Vice President is the principal conduit for the flow of information to and from the Chapters in the Region.

Key duties are as follows:

  • Perform all duties as described in the ERAPPA bylaws.
  • Coordinate, as necessary the Board Member visits to the Chapters. Sets up a matrix each year of Chapter Meetings and ensures that each chapter is visited at least once per year by a Board Member. The VP tracks actual visits, updates status at Board Meetings, and collects and distributes Trip Reports.
  • Plan and facilitate the Annual Chapter President’s Meeting held in conjunction with the ERAPPA Annual Meeting. Develops draft and agenda reviews with Board in advance.
  • Provide regular communication to the Chapter Presidents by compiling and distributing a summary of each Board Meeting with an emphasis on items that would be of interest or may impact upon the chapters.
  • Develop and maintain a matrix of chapter contacts for the ERAPPA Newsletter Editorial team.
  • Write articles for the ERAPPA Newsletter as required.
  • Plan for and facilitates interim meetings of Chapter Presidents as may be required to further ERAPPA’s Annual Operating Plan Goals.
  • Serve as a member of the ERAPPA Awards and Scholarships Committee.
  • Serve as Board liaison to ERAPPA representatives on APPA’s Awards and Recognition Committee.
  • Serve as initial liaison to Host Committees for outyear meetings.
  • Coordinate with other ERAPPA Vice Presidents as necessary.
  • Attend and actively participate at ERAPPA Board meetings.

Vice President for Professional Development
The Vice President for Education is elected for a two-year term in even numbered years. He/She may serve two consecutive terms in this office.

The Vice President for Professional Development works closely with the ERAPPA Board and the designated committee members from each chapter to further the business of ERAPPA. This Vice President is responsible for development, promotion, facilitation and sponsorship of educational opportunities for ERAPPA members. He/She will be responsible for creating broad access to educational opportunities throughout the region.

Key duties are as follows:

  • Perform all duties as described in the ERAPPA bylaws.
  • Serve as Chair of the ERAPPA Professional Development Committee.
  • Schedule and chair Committee meetings and prepare agendas with input from the Board and the Committee.
  • Identify key issues to be addressed by the committee with input from the board and member chapters and encourage/facilitate broad participation by committee members.
  • Provide documentation of decisions about committee activities and the status of ongoing work for review by the board and the committee.
  • Assure that education committee tasks are formally assigned with clear direction for outcomes, timelines and assure that the committee is internally and externally accountable.
  • Propose a process to evaluate the effectiveness of the Committee using measurable criteria.
  • Strive to provide a volunteer return value experience for each Committee member.
  • Recognize Committee member’s contributions to home institution and home chapter constituencies
  • Approve spending budgeted monies.
  • Attend and actively participate at ERAPPA Board meetings.
  • Prepare and give report on the Committee’s progress to the ERAPPA Board and to the membership through the ERAPPA News and the Annual business Meeting.
  • Serve as the liaison to the ERAPPA representative on the APPA Membership Committee and make recommendations to the ERAPPA Board in this regard.

Vice President for Annual Meetings
The Vice President for Chapter Affairs is elected for a two year term in odd numbered years. He/She may serve two consecutive terms in this office.

Unlike the other Vice Presidents, there is no standing committee on Annual Meetings. Instead the Vice President works closely with the future Host Committee Chairs to further the business of ERAPPA. This Vice President is the principal conduit for the flow of information to and from the Host Committees for future meetings.

Key duties are as follows:

  • Perform all duties as described in the ERAPPA bylaws.
  • Act as chief liaison to the the Annual Meeting host committees..
  • Coordinate all activities and communications between ERAPPA Board and the host committees.
  • Coordinate mid-year board meeting at the host city hotel with the Host committee.
  • Ensures the annual meeting program and budget are presented to the Board at the mid Year Board Meeting prior to the annual meeting.
  • Ensures the host committee submits a final financial report.
  • Maintains the ERAPPA’s Annual Meeting Guide.
  • Write articles for the ERAPPA Newsletter as required.
  • Attend and actively participate at ERAPPA Board meetings.

Vice President for Membership
The Vice President for Membership is elected for a two-year term in even numbered years. He/She may serve two consecutive terms in this office.

Key duties are as follows:

  • Perform all duties as described in the ERAPPA bylaws.
  • Serve as Chair of the ERAPPA Membership Committee.
  • Serve as Chair of the ERAPPA Awards and Scholarships Committee. Promotes awareness among the membership of all scholarships offered by ERAPPA. Receives and collates all scholarship applications for presentation to the Awards and Scholarships Committee.
  • Communicates, in writing, the outcome of the Scholarship process to applicants and Board members.
  • Return unselected applicants to Chapter Presidents for continued consideration.
  • Develop and maintain a system to track planned and actual attendance of scholarship recipients.
  • Coordinate the Easter Regions membership awareness program for the annual APPA election.
  • Serve as principal liaison for the Board with Emeritus Members. Receives, evaluates and recommends to the Board, applications for emeritus membership. Conducts a survey of Emeritus members every two years to update membership contact information and the volunteer list, including the web page.
  • Plan and develop strategies for membership retention and attraction of new members in cooperation with the ERAPPA Board, and the ERAPPA representative to the APPA Membership Committee.
  • Serve as the liaison to the ERAPPA representative on the APPA Membership Committee and makes recommendations to the ERAPPA Board in this regard.
  • Write articles for the ERAPPA newsletter as required.
  • Attend and actively participate at ERAPPA Board meetings.
  • Coordinate with other ERAPPA Vice Presidents as necessary.

Vice President for Technology & Communication
The Vice President for Technology & Communication is elected for a two-year term in odd numbered years. He/She may serve two consecutive terms in this office.

The Vice President for Technology & Communication works closely with the ERAPPA Board and the designated committee members from each chapter to further the business of ERAPPA. This Vice President is responsible for the ERAPPA Web and Newsletter. He/She will be responsible for the coordination and implementation of new and best practices in the area of Technology and Communications to and from the Chapters in the Region.

Key duties are as follows:

  • Perform all duties as described in the ERAPPA bylaws.
  • Serve as chair of the Technology and Communication Committee
  • Plan and conduct annual meeting of the Technology and Communication Committee.
  • Act as principal officer for communications.
  • Liaison with the Information Technology (WEB) Team.
  • Act as Content Editor for the WEB Team.
  • Review the ERAPPA WEB site annually. Coordinate changes and updates as needed.
  • Maintain the Administrative Guide on the WEB and coordinate updates and changes.
  • Liaison with the Newsletter Team
  • Establish and coordinate guidelines for the newsletter team including schedule for mailing, article submission deadlines and content.
  • Keep a schedule and inform Board members of newsletter submission deadlines and requirements.
  • Serve on the ERAPPA Awards and Scholarships Committee.
  • Coordinates with other ERAPPA Vice Presidents as necessary.
  • Attend and actively participate at ERAPPA Board meetings.

Vice President Business Partners

Appointment & Term
The Vice President Business Partners shall be elected at the ERAPPA Annual Meeting in odd
numbered years by receiving the greatest number of votes provided the candidate is a
member in good standing in ERAPPA.

He/she shall assume office at the ERAPPA Annual Meeting at which he/she is elected.
He/she shall serve a two-year term and can serve a total of two consecutive terms in this
office if elected. (Total 4 years)

Powers and Duties

  • Chair and recommend members of the Business Partner Committee.
  • Act as principal liaison for the Board with Business Partners.
  • Coordinate Business Partner activities with other ERAPPA Committees.
  • Provide regular communication with Business Partners.


  • Perform all duties as described in the ERAPPA bylaws.
  • Take minutes of Board meetings, Annual Business meeting and Board Meeting with the Chapter Presidents at the annual meeting.
  • Compile minutes into finished form and distribute to the Board.
  • Present a summary of the minutes of the previous annual meeting at the current annual meeting.
  • Serve as historian by maintaining a yearly permanent record of all minutes, membership files, reports, correspondence, award recipients and related information.
  • Notify with letter (see ERAPPA Administrative Guide) members elected to Emeritus status of this designation.
  • Update the ERAPPA Emeritus Member List (see ERAPPA Administrative Guide) and forward the names of new members with this designation to the ERAPPA Newsletter editor and the APPA director of marketing.
  • Prepare agreement form (see ERAPPA Administrative Guide) for the Second Vice President, as liaison, to execute with the host committee for the annual meeting.
  • Prepare ERAPPA Certificates of Merit and/or Appreciation for presentation at the annual business meeting.
  • Serve on the ERAPPA Awards and Scholarship Committee.
  • Maintain an adequate stock of ERAPPA stationery and certificates.
  • Attend and actively participate at ERAPPA Board meetings.


  • Perform all duties as described in the ERAPPA bylaws.
  • Receive and account for all funds owed ERAPPA.
  • Invoice for and receive all dues, unless otherwise contracted to a collection agency.
  • Deposit collected funds to either the checking account or short term money fund.
  • Disburse funds for expenditures as authorized by the President or Board of Directors.
  • Shall be authorized to disburse funds for normal operating expenses.
  • Render a monthly statement of income and expenditures and other reports as may be deemed appropriate by the Board of Directors.
  • Render a written report at the ERAPPA annual meeting and at the Board of Directors meetings.
  • Prepare a proposed new annual budget for approval by the Board of Directors at the mid-year meeting.
  • Prepare and submit the annual tax documents.
  • Arrange for the annual reconciliation of receipts and expenditures by an independent auditing firm.
  • Provide assistance to the annual meeting host committee chapter on all fiscal matters.
  • Attend and actively participate at ERAPPA Board meetings.

ERAPPA Regional Director
a. Shall be appointed by the ERAPPA President.
b. Must have previously served as a voting member on the ERAPPA Board of Directors.
c. The term of office is three years.
d. Shall be a voting member of both the ERAPPA and APPA Board of Directors and as a
representative of ERAPPA shall attend all APPA Board Meetings whenever and wherever
they are convened, as well as the APPA Annual Meeting.
e. Shall be the main channel of communication between APPA and ERAPPA and shall be
responsible for keeping ERAPPA and the Board of Directors apprised of any changes,
happenings and developments within the APPA organization.
f. Shall prepare agenda items for consideration by the APPA Board, including those-items
dealing with specific needs or interests of ERAPPA, when needed or requested by
ERAPPA’s Board of Directors.
g. Shall prepare and deliver a report to the APPA Board on all activities of ERAPPA.
h. Shall take an active part in all APPA activities, including participation on committees, task
forces and other endeavors for the furtherance of the professional aims.
i. Shall report to the membership at the Region Annual Meeting and ERAPPA Board of
Directors on the proceedings of the APPA Board.
j. Shall transfer to his/her successor all APPA correspondence, minutes of the meetings,
papers and other important and pertinent information at the termination of his/her term of
k. Shall hold this position only once, regardless of the number of years served.
